Sutherland sponsored this year’s Green Week Project


Sutherland Green Week ProjectSutherland was among this year’s sponsors of The Green Week Project, organized by the Rotaract Clubs in Sofia. Our Sutherland Strong team rolled up their sleeves on April 8th and volunteered in the planting of over 65 trees on the territory of South Park in Sofia. Members of our Customer Service, Account Management, Human Resource and Leadership team took active part in planting deciduous and coniferous trees last Saturday.

Conducted for sixth consecutive year the project aims to improve the living conditions in urban environments, restore and maintain the park areas. Every April hundreds of Rotaractors and Interactors from all around the world are joining the The Green Week Project. By planting more than 2000 trees in urban and suburban areas of their communities, volunteers become part of the global effort to preserve Earth’s greenness and vegetation. So far the initiative has expanded to Serbia, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Nepal and India.

A big thank you to all Sutherland volunteers who contributed for a greener future.